Phone alarm singing…ringing awakening Tee from a troubled sleep only to remember the tragic uncertain times she’s living in…COVID 19 screams its eminence overshadowing existence. Children crying hungry…Mama might be dying…diabetes taking another leg…rent way overdue…Lord where’s the breakthrough? Got to make my rounds…pantry for boxes of groceries…school for box lunches…talk to Mama…call the unemployment line…when does it all end?
Over 30 million people
currently collect unemployment as well as many more that are unemployed yet unable
to register because of tied up lines. This pandemic has caused such economic
uncertainty among workers, among small businesses, among restaurants, gyms,
huge department stores, and the list goes on.
People have lost their jobs and consequently it’s now hard to buy food
and pay basic bills. According to the organization Feeding America more than 54
million people may experience food insecurities in 2020, 18 million of which
are children. Communities across the country struggle with food insecurity
including rural and suburban communities.
I’ll go early to the pantry get a number then go over to the
school…it’s not too far from there…get me and the kids some box lunches…Lord
how much longer…how much longer. Got to get out of this bed…get the kids up… can’t
even run anymore with Mama in the hospital…running always makes me feel
better…gotta call Mama and see how she’s doing….
“Good morning Mama good to hear your voice…when they
supposed to do the surgery?”
“Daughter, God is good…they say the infection looks like it
may be clearing up…might not need surgery after all. The church praying for me…I’m
on the prayer list. This diabetes not going to get the best of me….”
According to
death from heart disease is higher in Black Americans than any other ethnic
group. About 48% of African American
women and about 44% of African American males have some form of heart disease.
Conditions that lead to heart disease and stroke among Black Americans are high
blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes.
“Mama I don’t know how you can be so positive in sickness
and all this pandemic stuff. The place I go for pantry, the House of Love Soup
Kitchen/Pantry is going to have workshops on Health and Wellness. They are
going to be online. I’ll get the information and when you get out of the
hospital maybe you’d like to attend.”
“Tee you know me and the computer…I don’t know.”
“Mama you know I’ll help you and maybe you can help me feel
more positive in spite of everything we’re going through…Black men and women
getting killed, the president trying to be a wanna be dictator… laid off from
the job… barely making it on unemployment. Even though there’s a moratorium
keeping us from getting locked out still going to have to pay this back rent
once this Coronavirus mess is over.”
“Tee I believe in miracles daughter…you know my favorite
scripture St. Like 1:37 For with God
nothing shall be impossible. The church praying three times a day together
online helps keep our minds positive. I
may not have the best of health insurance, and I know I’m over weight but I
know Dr. Jesus and He will take care of me! You have to trust in God Tee and
know in your heart everything will be alright. I also like Deuteronomy 31:8: It is the Lord who goes before you. He will
be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. Daughter
remember those words…”
“Mama you’re right…I’m going to get up, get myself and the
kids ready, and make my rounds. I miss you and can’t wait ‘till you get home. Thank God I have someplace to go and get food.
God is good. Thank God you don’t have to have surgery…that’s a real
miracle. I’m going to get that
information about that 5K Walk…oh here’s the flyer with the link to the website
right on my night stand. Mama I’ll talk to you later…love you!”
Everyone needs a
helping hand from time to time. We need community services to
continue. You will probably never know whose life you will touch as a
result of your generosity and/or service but know we are out here....we do
exist! In October, Just Be Holistic Health and Wellness is organizing a
5K Virtual Run themed "I Run for My Health". This 5K is also
serving as a fundraiser for the House of Love Soup Kitchen and Pantry. The
soup kitchen wants to incorporate health and wellness workshops as a part of
services offered to the community.
Please consider supporting this much needed community service and sign
up for the run as well. Link to event page below:
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