Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Who is My Neighbor?

“Love thy neighbor as thyself” a command of wealth for the health of our souls.  

Are we starting the day with a good morning to loved ones and to other people we meet on the way to our daily tasks? Do our hearts shine with God’s love in a world filled with misery and in our minds vowing to make a positive difference whether big or small in our communities?  Do we listen with empathy to stories of heartache and pain from those whose lives are drowning in a deluge of rain from the storms of life? Do we use soft words to confront strife… to diffuse situations always pushing toward the restoration of peace and harmony?  Have the hungry been fed? Is there shelter for the homeless? Do the sick have affordable health care? Are the incarcerated being educated to succeed in the world beyond the cement walls? Will the Statue of Liberty be allowed to continue to welcome immigrants with open arms to our country?

How long O’ Lord will mindless selfishness be the rule of our land? How long O’ Lord will the money god reign inflicting pain and oppression? How long O’ Lord will phony politicians and evangelical Christians wreak havoc destroying programs of promise?

1 out of 6 Americans face hunger
49 million Americans struggle to put food on the table
1 out of 5 children are hungry
1 out 3 African American and Latino children suffer from food scarcity
40 % of the food in America is thrown out every year…$165 billion dollars’ worth.  All this uneaten food could feed 25 million Americans.

St. Matthew 25:34-36 (this scripture is the parable that separates the sheep (true believers) from the goats (hypocrites.)
34) Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
35) For I was a hungered and ye gave me meat. I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink, I was a stranger and ye took me in;
36) Naked and ye clothed me; I was sick and ye visited me: I was in prison and ye came unto me.

Yesterday was pantry day. People from the community gathered early in the morning in great expectation and anticipation of food boxes to quell hunger pangs and the shame associated with food scarcity in one of the richest countries in the world.  Friendly camaraderie floated in and out of easy conversation as the clients lined up to get numbers and check in with Oasis the latest technology in keeping track of the hungry. It’s summer time and somewhat muggy. Those who have registered camp out in the shade waiting patiently for the arrival of the truck which will come bearing gifts of meat, beverages, produce, dairy products, canned goods, rice, bread and so much more. Over eighty people go home with enough food to tide them over for the next few days.

How long O’ Lord before we learn to “Love thy neighbor as thyself”?

The Great American Food Challenge

Hunger, holiday season on  the horizon touching hearts to reach out and embrace love…turkey love…cranberry craziness…sweets insanity...empty stomachs teased…cupboards bare...hearts ache. Hungry people everywhere…poverty across America…no money for the basics…soup kitchens and pantries addressing the need to a degree. That time of year once again has descended upon the economically challenged to emphasize and make them even more aware of this acute condition.
Soup kitchen aromas tantalize famished palates waiting to be pleased on this day out of the year set aside to give thanks for thoughtful souls. Hunger a year around concern yearns for means to keep refrigerators full, and cupboards complete with the ABC’s of nutrition. Hungry children, hungry adults, hungry seniors plead for relief from this chronic condition.
The House of Love Soup Kitchen, a faith based organization, located in Newark, NJ served a pre-Thanksgiving meal to over 80 people on the 15th of November. What a meal! What a meal! Praises floated up to the heavens as blessings of turkey with all the trimmings came down and filled plate after plate…God bless the hands that prepared the meal...fried chicken, mac ‘n cheese, stuffing, baked beans…it seemed as if the choices of food would never end...God bless all those who were able to partake of this scrumptious meal…candied yams, tuna noodle salad, pasta salad, green salad and mixed vegetables for the healthy minded... God bless all those trying to make a difference in their communities... ice tea to wash the feast down and yes, pies and cakes galore. Lord we thank you for this day to ward off hunger…this day for the community to engage in an all you can eat treat with camaraderie and the love of God filling the air.
Where do we go from here? What does the future hold in store for feeding hungry Americans? Should there even be a scarcity of food in America?
  • Feeding America Statistics:  42.2 million Americans lived in food insecure households, including 29.1 million adults and 13.1 million children.
  • Households that had higher rates of food insecurity than the national average included households with children (17%), especially households with children headed by single women (30%) or single men (22%), Black non-Hispanic households (22%) and Hispanic households (19%).
  • In 2014, 5.4 million seniors (over age 60), or 9 percent of all seniors were food insecure.
Praying and asking God to guide, to protect, and to direct those involved in battling hunger…please God fill the stomachs everyday of those suffering from the great American food challenge and please God strengthen all involved in the fight against hunger not allowing us to “grow weary in well doing”.