Thursday, October 19, 2017

Holiday Sadness...Holiday Madness

The holidays are drawing near and so many of us are in anticipation of the wonderful time we will have with family and friends.Yet so many others will be entering the season with hunger as their companion; fear hovering in the atmosphere in search of shelter from the winter winds; peace of mind eludes many a stressed-out soul. Where is that turkey with all the trimmings? Where are the candied yams hot from the oven steaming? Where are the pies cooling in the window with the continual flow of family and friends in and out of the kitchen?
Demons flying in on the wings of Halloween circulate in the sky plotting and planning the death of empathy. Evil spirits slash away at the budget sending citizens reeling into the depths of despair; Fiends cutting SNAP (Food stamps) gleefully derive a sinister pleasure from this ignorant act that will result in the suffering of many women, children, seniors, and the disabled; villains initiating massive tax cuts loom on the horizon of doom, fingers of greed ready to snatch money away from those in need, and then add to their already colossal riches
In the United States 48.8 million Americans are food insecure which means in trying to make ends meet they often do not have enough money left over for good wholesome food. Thirteen million children are hungry. One out of thirty children are homeless which translates into there being about 2.2 million children homeless in America. Thanksgiving and Christmas are special days out of the year where the spirit of giving is stirred up in the heart of the community yet hunger, homelessness, and hardship are constants in the lives of the millions of Americans living at or below the poverty line. 
Halloween decorations…pumpkins displaying snaggle-tooth smiles sit between friendly scarecrows watching spiderweb formations trick-or-treating in and out of hunger pangs. Devastation sinks deep into despair stimulating waves of sorrow…no food tomorrow. Baby crying…children whining, “Mommy we hungry!” Multiple trips to the refrigerator divulge the same empty shelves. Lord help me…what can I do? My children need food!
Halloween slides into November…the month of feasting. Turkey talk gobbles up the airways squawking about the sales of the season while a mother’s grief goes unanswered. One callous swipe of the executive pen and the affordable part of health care has been snatched from millions of Americans. There is a direct correlation between eating well, health, and education.  Hungry children are at high risk for health issues and poor academic achievement as well as behavioral problems.
The twins Empathy and Sympathy feed the hungry making scrumptious dinners for those in the community during the months of November and December. Their cousins, Peace and Joy, sing of an everlasting love while distributing toys to little girls and little boys; Kindness passes out coats, hats, scarves, and gloves to ward off the cold. Compassion feels good about giving back to those in need.

Yet the New Year then tolls the bell of fate and rings in hunger, homelessness, and poverty ever ready to continue their reign of terror.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Selfie Generation

War looms on the horizon

Peace drowns in a sea of rhetoric and bigotry

Violence marches in step to hate

Ethereal voices whisper

Stop! Before it’s too late…





to the rhythm of blood pulsating through the veins

The selfie generation reins...

Drowning out the rumbles of war

Drowning out blinding visions of chemicals sizzling

In the grey matter of existence

Drowning out the sound of missiles firing

Drowning out declarations of supremacy

masking man’s hypocrisy

The selfie generation

Mesmerized by expanding technology

Peers into the phone in search of an instant reality

Defining parameters of connection

crisscrossing the globe

Lassoing likes

 travelling through space

In a race against time crucial to survival.


Monday, March 13, 2017

Racism and Hate on the Rise in the USA

Does the new administration in America recognize that their actions and their rhetoric has created a climate for bigotry and hate to blossom.
Do the right winged  Christians in this new administration really understand the teachings of Jesus?
Love thy neighbor as thyself...feed the hungry...take care of the sick...see about those in prison...
treat people the way you want to be treated.
Does the new administration care about the downtrodden and the fact that millions of people may lose health coverage? Does the new administration care about the oppressed...the 2.2 million people that are incarcerated in this country? Does the new administration care that hard working immigrants who are not criminals are being deported when in fact Native Americans are the only indigenous people and everybody else came to these shores either as immigrants or slaves? Does the new administration care that the sacred grounds of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe are being violated by the Dakota Pipeline?

Jesus, the epitome of love and compassion, walked this earth with the intent to eradicate religious hypocrisy.  He extended the greatest invitation ever given to mankind: "Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

Racism, xenophobia, and religious intolerance are on the rise in this country. Do the haters and the racists know that when Jesus walked this earth in human form He was not only Jewish but He was also a man of color. Daniel 7:9 (KJV) and Revelations 1:14-15 (KJV) describe him as having wool like hair. What race of people have hair like wool?

Jesus was of mixed heritage but you know what they say in racist USA one strand of black drop of parent and your racial identity is completed and established as being black...and that's a fact!

Check out this video!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Which America will it be?

Donald Trump was sworn in as 45th president of this country on January 20, 2017 and wasted no time in beginning to dismantle all the Obama Administration had worked so hard to accomplish. I marched in the Women’s March held in NYC on January 21rst.  The main march was in Washington, DC but I couldn’t get there. Why at 71 years of age would I want to march? Well…I marched on my first picket line when I was fifteen years old in front of Woolworth's in Berkeley, CA.  This was over fifty years ago when the Civil Rights Movement was spreading throughout the country calling for an end to unjust, bigoted practices. Dr. King had called for sympathy pickets because of Woolworth’s racist policies in the south.

I ‘m marched in the Women's March because I want to know which America, Trump wants to make great again.  Is it the America that bombed baby girls in Sunday school in Birmingham, Alabama…or the America that murdered voter registration workers in Mississippi?  Is it the America that brutally killed Emmet Till…or the America that firebombed freedom rider buses?  Is it the America that lynched black men leaving bodies hanging from trees…the strange fruit that Billie Holiday sang about in her song? Or is it the America where the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) burned crosses on black people’s property then terrorizing and killing them? Is it the America that assassinated Medgar Evers... or the America that had segregated Armed Forces until the Vietnam War? Soldiers would return from war still facing the same intolerance and hatred prior to risking their lives for their country. I was alive when all this was happening in America. I picketed, I sang, I marched, I went to jail. I do not want to go back in time. So I want to know which America is Trump talking about making great again?

The Women’s March was all inclusive in addressing human rights and justice for all. One of the signs stated LOVE TRUMPS HATE! It was not about gender, it was not about race but it was about unity…the good people in the world coming together in the struggle to keep democratic ideals alive and well in America.