Monday, August 5, 2019

Back into the Light


Days of darkness have invaded the light in the fight for justice for all.  Ego-centrism moved into the white house and has donned the face of racism espousing the hate that is so innate in the souls of many of the people residing in this country…blood, violence, greed, an ugly part of their heredity.
Greed migrated to this territory holding hands with slavery and deception, double dealing stealing the land from the Native Americans laying down a “trail of tears” from the south to the Midwest celebrating  their lust and their hypocrisy boldly printing on their money “in God we trust”.

Who is their god?
Their god does not care about the sick, the needy, the stressed, the oppressed.
Their god does not care about the Statue of Liberty’s invitation to the homeless and “the huddled masses yearning to be free.”
Their god does not care about mounting health costs or pharmaceutical rip-offs…
Their god does not care about tearing families apart on the new slave block of anti-immigration which is spreading its vile rhetoric throughout our nation.
Their god does care bout destructive gases poisoning the atmosphere, or the disappearing rain-forest, or global warming which is a warning to all the inhabitants of the earth.
Who is their god?

The God I serve is the Creator of the Universe…
The God I serve is the God of Love…
The God I serve is Multi-Cultural…
The God I serve is a Provider…
The God I serve is a Healer…
The God I serve is the God of Peace calling His children back into the Light…Calling His children to unite, calling His children  to take a stand in the land of the free…to speak out, to shout out, to point out the hypocrisy of those that claim to be religious yet use God’s name in vain to justify their inhumane and ungodly actions…
The God I serve is King of Kings…The God I serve is the ruler of all things…
The God I serve has the world in His hands and there is no questioning of His understanding.
The God I serve is Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent…the God I serve is the Beginning and the End...let there be glory and majesty to Him forever and ever Amen!