Monday, June 6, 2016

Will the Real America Please Stand!

Spinning to the beginning…Dreams of wealth, power, and religious freedom disembarked onto luscious green shores in the new world with space galore.  Exploration in search of riches travelled to the promise land flying flags of capital gain.
And the seed of greed planted in wild beds of racism sprouted weeds of hatred. Slavery announced its supremacy picking profits in the cotton fields. Trails of blood and tears crisscrossed the fertile terrain…overpowering the humane.
Will the real America please stand!
Insatiability reigned reaching into the new millennium its tentacles of gluttony strangling empathy…disrespecting Lady Liberty’s call “give me your poor”…Nay for ”I will build a great wall and keep the Mexicans out”…yet the Statue of Liberty beckons for all to enter the golden door.
The Ku Klux Klan…American terrorists…leaving an infamous trail of black bodies hanging from trees…burning crosses…committing religious blasphemy doing dastardly deeds in the name of Christianity…allows indifference to state “not sure of what they do but I will get back to you.”
Will the real America please stand!
Driven tyranny espousing repression ignites xenophobic mentalities clothed in a bizarre reality.  Despotic rhetoric slaps freedom of religion into a den of intolerance and ignorance…ranting and raving calling for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering this country.”…
Truth screams twice as many terrorist attacks in the States are perpetrated by right winged extremist embroiled in hate. Is it too late to rectify the lies? Is it too late for unsubstantiated fabrications to cease in the name of peace? Is it too late for the Ku Klux Klan to be repudiated for its long reign of terror?
Will the real America please stand!