Sunday, May 29, 2011

Washing Brains

I read an article in the paper about a lady starving her children literally to death…one of them died before authorities took charge. The paper said she was brainwashed by some strange religious leader and part of his cult.
Brain washed? Hmmm…that’s a strange term that means what? Is it that someone cuts your head open, takes your brain out, bleaches it, and then washes it in a detergent of choice. After which it’s placed back in the head to soak in a different type soil. Brain washed like I said is a strange term. How does a seemingly devoted mother go from one extreme to the other? From lovingly feeding you children and taking care of them to starving them to the point that their bones become brittle and break in their bodies.
What type of person is susceptible to this strange event? Could it be said that many people today are brainwashed by a money mad culture that bails out Wall Street who has been ripping off people forever by selling the “pie in the sky dream” to the common man who can barely eek out a living. Ten banks control 77% of the wealth…this screams for a redistribution of capital where more money could be vested in youth that are traveling on the school to prison line.
People shout “no redistribution of wealth” and don’t have a clue as to what it means. A brain wash job has been done on the American public who think that it’s alright that 3% of the population control 90% of the wealth and that the wealthy shouldn’t be taxed at a higher rate. Talk about brainwash…wow!

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