In defiance I travel the road of impossibilities refusing to
succumb to the futility of the human condition…news of the day blasting away
with the atrocities committed in the name of power…blatant behavior moons empathy…stress
pulls out knives and carves the kindness out of hearts…
Yet the sun rises in
majesty capturing in space the beauty of existence…
Visions from the past of ships bearing human cargo speed
towards an unknown destiny. Families split up…torn apart…a magnificent heritage
ripped from the souls of a captured people…screams reach into the din of the
new millennium filling prisons with attitudes of deliberate anger.
Yet the flowers bloom
in spring dropping petals of love
Green fertile land snatched from the grasp of an indigenous
people…avarice justifies theft in the
name of progress…prejudice and hatred hold hands singing of new beginnings
while the blood of the people runs red in rivers…feet bloodied by a long trail
of tears…bodies collapsing to return to the dust of the earth.
Yet the waves of the
mighty ocean beat the rhythm of the tides against pristine beaches.
Jim Crow straddles the fence with hypocritical cries of “you
can make it if you try”…”you can have your piece of the pie”…whispering voices
slither along the streets bombarding minds …you failed the test…you failed the
test…you dumb…you stupid …you poor…you hungry…need some money? The bling bling of opulence blinds the
reality of risks…life becomes devalued.
Yet the Grand Canyon in its layers of multi-colored strength signals
the rock of ages
Yet snow-capped mountains stand tall in their stately magnificence weathering blizzards
whiteouts, snowstorms…forever proclaiming permanence in a passing reality.
Ice crystals falling through the atmosphere freeze moments
of fear into failure immobilizing action. Frigid temperatures stifle passion.
Aspirations transform into desolation slipping off icy crevices. Translucent
icicles hang on corners of dreams that never materialize slowly dripping back
into the cycle of life.